
For years, I've found myself in ridiculous situations...and, now, you'll hear all about them.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Back To The Future

I'm apparently stuck in the past. Housed in my old school entertainment stand, I have a multitude of classic movies - Grease, American Beauty and Annie, just to name a few. Unfortunately, quite a few of them are on VHS tapes. I have a VCR so watching these hits isn't an issue but a recent episode reminded me that, perhaps, my movie-watching method could use some updates.
I recently carted two boxes of VHS tapes around in the backseat of my car after Mike's sister's tag sale. She had asked if we would mind dropping these tapes off at the local library as a donation. I happily agreed as Mike rolled his eyes and made a few jokes about it being 2012 and the fact that we might as well be donating eight tracks.
Once arriving at the library, we illegally parked out front, hazard lights and all, and schlepped in the two heavy boxes of tapes. Approximately 30 seconds later, we were shown the door and advised that another business across town might take them but that VHS tapes were so outdated that they had moved on to renting DVDs.
I completely understand this but I find it very hard to believe that no one watches anything on VHS tapes anymore. I mean, what about nursing homes or the older generation that just can't figure out the new technology? Hell, my own mother can barely figure out the television remote.
I felt too guilty to throw them away so I drove to one of those donation boxes on the side of the road. The bin was labeled "Books - CDs - DVDs" but I didn't care. I threw the 40+ movies in the bins and made my way.
I donated the tapes. If they decided to toss them in the trash after going through them, laughing all the way, that will be hanging over their heads for years to come.

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