As I was eating, a tall woman with blonde hair styled in a bob and glasses entered the room and asked a coworker if she could join him. She was wearing a brown cardigan over a white blouse and a long plaid skirt to the calf to match. She had on knee-high socks and sturdy brown shoes. In my opinion, it was reminiscent of an elementary school uniform. I think the reason why I felt this way was because she had brought her lunch in a brown paper bag.
For the record, there's nothing wrong with bringing your lunch to work in a brown paper bag. I own brown paper bags and will occasionally transport my lunch from home to the lunch table in said brown paper bag...although, I do have a super cool blue and green lunch bag that I typically use.
I watched as the woman opened up her brown paper bag and took out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
For the record, there's nothing wrong with bringing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to work for lunch. I've done it on a number of occasions. It's delicious. I can't deny it...nor would I have a reason to.
The part that really got me was that she ripped the crust off her sandwich. This is something I may have done in 1984. I just found it humorous that a grown woman in her place of employment would be having the same lunch and be eating it the same way that I did while attending Mittineague Methodist Community Preschool. Apparently, I was ahead of my time.
I started to wonder if maybe this wasn't a live performance of Big, starring Tom Hanks, or 13 Going on 30, starring Jennifer Garner.
Maybe this woman simply wished she was a grown up and she transformed overnight into an adult. An adult with poor eyesight and questionable style.
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