As I look back in my weekly 2011 planner, I'm reminded of how many great things have happened in the past year...and how many things I'd like to forget...and how many things I've already forgotten.
Let's take this time to take a quick look back in the past year of my life.
I rejoined the gym and actually stuck with it. As I type this, I'm approximately 20 lbs lighter and several inches smaller than I was at this time last year and I feel so much better about myself. Big thank yous go out to Work Out World, Nicole, Francesca and Javier for whipping me into shape.
My part-time job of seven years closed their doors for good in 2011. OOP! closed their Dedham doors on May 29th. I met some of the funniest and genuinely good people at OOP! Although I complained about working there after a full work day in the big city of Providence, I truly do miss the people and, of course, the extra money.
I dated 14 boys this year...and completely forgot about two of them. Who the hell are Ryan and Steven? (I apologize to Ryan and Steven if you're reading this. Also, I don't blame you if you've forgotten me too!) I got stood up this year for the first time ever in life...stupid Bobby. I also had one of the best dates ever...thanks to my good friend Tristen. On Valentine's Day, I met her for dinner and drinks at a hibachi style restaurant. The food was amazing. We received free roses from the bartender and free drinks. We met a friend while at the bar AND she brought me a whoopie pie from a Boston bakery. Best of all, I had the best company!
I went to Fenway park to see the beloved Red Sox five times and to see one of the most amazing concerts I've ever been to. I've said this before when I saw Dave Matthews Band play at Fenway that it was one of the best nights because so many of my favorite things/people were in the same place at the same time. Well, my friends, I can say that it happened again on June 11, 2011. I saw the New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys concert at Fenway with some of the greatest people on Earth. We had a great time and I even lost my voice. Thank the good Lord that I brought my NKOTB whistle!
I welcomed a new car into my life this year - The Grey Lady. I leased a 2011 Nissan Sentra in June and have already met the 1-year mileage limit. Zoinks! You people have to start coming to me!
My family welcomed a new addition as well. Nae'lyn Cecil Song Ginnetti was born on December 20, 2011 to Michael and Marie. Nae'lyn joins the ranks of cutest kids in America along with Mimi Gardenia Ginnetti, born July 15, 2010. I've also watched my friends' families multiply with the births of Caitlyn, Libby, John, Finn and Daniel.
I vacationed to Nantucket, Baltimore and New York City. I enjoyed this time off with friends, new and old; family and 10,000 Santas. I cooked myself on the beach, played in the park and ice skated at dusk.
I've reconnected with old friends and have strengthened relationships that I've had for years. I've spent some great times with "the home team", "Larned ladies" and the bouncers at Coconuts. I've danced until my feet have hurt and have laughed until I've cried.
I've celebrated with friends and family at bridal showers, engagement parties and weddings. I've won bridal bingo, for God's sake! I've seen friends earn promotions, awards and new jobs and move into new homes.
Like all things, 2011 did have it's disappointments and letdowns but I believe everything happens for a reason. Here's hoping that those lemons can be turned into lemonade...or chilled limoncello shots.
With all of the turmoil Mother Nature has dished out on Western Massachusetts this year, I'm just thankful that my friends and family are safe and sound. I know that 2011 has made me stronger as a person and I know I'm not the only one. I know some of the greatest people and they have truly astounded me with their courage and tough skin this year.
Hopefully 2012 will bring along good health, happiness and good fortune to myself and to all of you. Cheers!