"Maybe I should just get this done now while I'm already here...I mean, it's a lease and I'd rather spend a little money now & then to keep it running smoothly than have pieces just fall off while driving and need to pay out lots of money all at once..."
I go back to the desk to meet with Daniel to tell him my decision to do the recommended services. What's another $80 on my credit card? (Oye!)
After approximately 40 minutes, Daniel appeared in the waiting room with a clipboard. He called my name and I went to the desk to pay for the car services. He began telling me that they found no problems with the Grey Lady and that everything looked good.
On the desk sat a bingo game. Not cards and blotters but the metal cage with round plastic balls with letters and numbers on them. Daniel told me about an incentive program that if you turned the cage around and number N37 came out, you got your service for $1.00.
I look in the cage and I can see the N37 white ball. It's sitting right on the top of the cage full of colored balls. My theory was if I could turn the cage around without jostling the balls from side to side, N37 would be turned and would come right out of the bottom hole. I turn the cage around by using the handle and I hear a ball hit the table.
I look at my new friend Daniel and he says, "N37!"
The man in line next to me, "Get out!"
I do a little jump and pump my arm in the air.
I pay Daniel $1.00 in cash and I take my receipt and car keys and hit the road. Thank you, Jerry Rome!
I can totally see you doing your one arm'd jump in the air :)
ReplyDeleteUm, my name doesn't coincide with my post. It's me, Casey. Otherwise known as "unknown".