People - close friends, casual acquaintances and even complete strangers - always smile when they see me. My parents have always said that I bring joy to everyone I meet...and I'm just now realizing they might be onto something. People gravitate to me and want to interact. Like many, I have to feel people out before I let them get too close, but once I get a positive vibe from them, I welcome them in as friends.
Just the other day, I went to the doctor's office and was greeted by friendly ladies at the front desk. Then, the doctor's assistant came over to talk to me and helped me fill out some paperwork. I acknowledge that these associates likely do this for all their patients, but they were extra sweet with me, which was nice because I was feeling pretty lousy. Allergies got me all screwed up - I had hives and was super itchy, vomiting - it wasn't pretty.
After filling out some paperwork, I waited in the lobby watching a Dateline rerun, which was exciting because I had never seen that episode before - surprisingly! We watch it all the time at home. Others also waiting to see the doctor came over to say hello and wished me well. That was nice.
Then, after what seemed like an hour, the doctor's assistant called my name and I went begrudgingly into the office. I've never been a huge fan of doctors, but the nice people treated my allergic reaction with some fancy (read: expensive) Benadryl. The redness immediately started to go down. They left me alone in the office for a few minutes, and while waiting for my doctor to arrive, I could feel my stomach turning. As I said, I didn't feel great during the day, but before heading to the doctor's I had some chicken and white rice - something bland to settle my stomach.
Then, the unthinkable happened. While waiting for my doctor to come in, I did it. I tossed my cookies. Right there on the office floor.
O - M - G!
So...I ran over to the paper towel dispenser and cleaned up everything before she came in to give me my prescription. Despite being totally mortified, I confessed to what happened, and she was very understanding and didn't make me feel like I was a nuisance.
She gave me some nausea medicine to calm my stomach, which helped immediately.
I left the office and was walking to the reception desk to pay the office bill for my visit, and everyone was just so nice. It made me feel a lot better.
I'd like to thank the staff at Ocean State Veterinary Specialists for taking good care of me.
5- (almost 6!) year-old English Bulldog
Here I am after spreading my "sunshine" all over the doctor's office floor. So embarrassing!