I left work on Monday with a spring in my step. It was absolutely gorgeous outside and I had big plans for my evening. I just wanted to get to it. Things that were on my agenda: Go to the gym, stop at the supermarket, go to Mike's place and have dinner prepared for when he got home at 8:30pm.
Unfortunately, plans for Taco Night were ruined.
I arrived at the gym on Mineral Spring Avenue around 5:15pm. I badged in and went to the women's locker room and prepared to get my pump on. During my time at Work Out World, some gentleman stole my mat practically from underneath me and the treadmill I got on had a broken TV. Argh...
At about 6:15pm, I collected my things from my locker and made my way to my car. At first I couldn't find it in the parking lot. I couldn't exactly remember where I parked. None of the cars looked like The Grey Lady.
I soon realized that the car with the rear bumper on the ground with the huge dent in it was, indeed, mine.
I didn't see a guilty-looking driver near the car so my thought was "Oh, GREAT!" But, then, a choir of angels sang a hymn and led me to a note on the windshield. Nope, it wasn't from the driver of the car. It was even better than that! It was from someone who saw the whole thing go down and they got the kid's license plate number.
After calling Dad & Mom, I finally got enough sense to call the North Providence Police Department, which, by the way, I could see from where I was standing in the parking lot. It's diagonally across the street...which was great because the officer got there in a jiffy.
In the meantime, I received several concerned glances and "Did that just happen?"'s from the gym-goers.
The police officer came over to me, took the note & notified SWAT (not really) of the license plate number on the note. As I was standing there with the Po-Po, SWAT was at this kid's house. I say "kid" because he was born in 1994.
1994 was a big year for me. I got my braces removed, graduated from eighth grade and started high school. I did NOT receive court dates for a hit and run or for driving with a suspended license. (Just a sidenote, he thought he just grazed my car with his side mirror. Please look at the damage above and laugh to yourself.)
Anyways, Mike's Mom came to take laundry baskets out of my car so it could be towed. I waited in the parking lot until 8:30pm, stealing McDonald's WIFI. Finally, AAA came and, rather than tow the car, he slapped some duct tape on it and called it a day.
It actually made me annoyed that I didn't come up with that idea prior to waiting there for hours but whatever. It worked out.
I am still able to drive my car...although, I look pretty ghetto. Thank God I have a grey car. The duct tape, sort of, blends in. If you look real close (maybe) you don't notice.
Nah...I know better. Everyone on the road has been giving me looks and no one will park near me. I'm like a road leper. I want to make a sign and hang it in my back window that says, "It wasn't my fault. Honest."