
For years, I've found myself in ridiculous situations...and, now, you'll hear all about them.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Every Night

There has been something on my mind for much of my adult life that I want to share with you. I only think about it when I lay my head down upon my pillow to sleep for the night. It always makes me smile to myself as I face the fan blowing in my direction.

"If I were standing up right now...in this identical position...how crazy would I look?"

Like, if I were in this exact physical position while in line for the bank teller or at the supermarket deli counter, how silly would I look?

I know this is weird. I know this because I shared this thought with Harley last night and he told me it was weird.

But it's true, every single night as I'm riding off into the sunset in Sleepytown, I ponder how crazy I look. What would others think if they saw me right now? And I know I would look pretty crazy.

For me, the coziest of all cozy sleeping positions is on my stomach and usually with my right elbow bent up with my hand either under my chest or pulling the covers into my chest, right leg jackknifed up with a few toes hanging off the mattress. The left hand has to be under or in between the two pillows.

I'm not self conscious of how I look when I sleep. I have many bus trip and sleepover photo evidence to remind me how unattractive I look while getting my Zs. I just think it's a funny visual.

Think about it - many of us are contorted into a position that feels most comfortable to us, but - to others - we would look pretty silly. Sometimes, I have a hand on my face, sometimes my left foot is dangling off the foot of the bed, sometimes many nights I'm trying to avoid being pushed off the bed by the dog.

Anyways, the only takeaway from this blog is to acknowledge your sleeping position when you go to bed tonight...and imagine yourself in the work conference room during your big presentation. You'll smile yourself to sleep. I guarantee it.

Sweet dreams!

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